IT Risk Analyst
IT Risk Analyst Role
The IT risk analyst conducts threat analysis to identify threats and cyber security risks to a company's information systems. They develop their company’s cyber security defense strategy and safety protocols and implement firewalls, security software, data encryption, and other security measures. Their job description includes monitoring network activity and conducting audits to identify vulnerabilities and develop disaster recovery plans. Other tasks may include data research to identify trends and issues as well as plan for new and emerging threats.
Salary Range
$61k-155k per year salary based on experience (USD)
Average salary is about $72k-114k per year (USD)
Average hourly pay is $34.62-54.81 per hour (USD)
Similar Job Titles
Information Risk Analyst
Information Risk Consultant
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IT Risk Specialist
Identify threats and conduct risk assessments to address cyber security risks
Monitor network activity, conduct audits, and identify areas of vulnerability
Develop and implement a cyber security defense strategy, including safety protocols and disaster recovery procedures
Implement security controls such as data encryption, firewalls, and security software
Research and evaluate data from various sources to identify new threats, trends, issues, and opportunities to improve processes
Understand and provide advice on managing cybersecurity risks; collaborate with other IT professionals as needed to address new emerging threats
IT Services
Security Services
Banking & Finance
Government & Federal Agencies
Aerospace & Defense
Research & Development
Bachelor's degree in computer science, cyber security, information technology, mathematics, statistics, or a related field.
New York
New Hampshire
New Jersey
IT Risk Analyst Job Description
The IT risk analyst performs various functions to identify risks and recommend best practices for risk management and IT security within an organization. Their focus is on risk analysis, analyzing cyber threats, correlating cyber attack patterns, and preventing future cyber attacks. They identify and analyze cyber security threats to the organization as well as the potential impact of these and other risks on the business and its customers. Using a range of sources and monitoring platforms, the IT risk analyst will follow the main trends and communicate their analysis to all stakeholders in a clear manner. The IT risk analyst job description will often require working in a complex operating environment and providing high-quality advice to inform tactical, operational, and strategic decisions at all levels.
Information technology risk analyst jobs include analyzing risk metrics and identifying risks that threaten company stability. They must have an understanding of current and emerging technological trends and be able to implement appropriate security controls to keep the company's computer network secure. Their job description also requires an awareness of IT standards, regulations, and laws in their field. As information technology risk analysts are responsible for ensuring the security of a large amount of sensitive data and personal information, they must stay informed to maintain compliance with the latest regulations and laws affecting IT standards.
The information technology risk analyst uses analytical skills to make decisions based on multiple variables and options and a solid understanding of the risks involved. They are responsible for examining applications from new customers, requesting supportive and missing data and information, and working with other agencies to collect even more data. Understanding the way their organization operates and the various internal and external factors that may affect its performance and IT security is vital to this role. An organization defines and calculates its key risks in terms of its business model, business strategy, financial risks and position, and management.
Strong communication skills are necessary to communicate technological concepts and techniques in daily work. Analytical thinking skills are also crucial, as they must apply a high level of technical knowledge and skill while working in a fast-paced environment. This role also requires strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently to successfully perform the assigned tasks.
IT risk analysts must learn effective methods to manage risk and have the ability to analyze complex data, interpret laws, and represent management views. They have a good understanding of all risk-related claims and procedures relating to their industries’ products and services. They need to learn how their industry develops and how companies face challenges. Their job description includes identifying and measuring operational and corporate risks within the organization and then using this awareness to inform business decisions using risk management principles. Their role is to formalize the process of managing risk within the organization. The job description of an IT risk analyst requires forecasting future technology trends and managing the security and health of the company.
Many employers require IT risk analysts to possess a bachelor's degree or higher in a field such as computer science, mathematics, or statistics. Certifications such Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), or similar certifications may be desirable. Common industries hiring these professionals include banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, and other businesses that manage large amounts of money.
IT Risk Analyst Job FAQs
What Is an IT Risk Analyst?
An IT Risk Analyst uses data science to analyze systems, identify vulnerabilities, model risk, and prevent and protect information and data systems from cyber security threats. This includes researching, sourcing, and sometimes implementing solutions to protect a company’s digital assets.
What Is the Salary of an IT Risk Analyst?
An IT Risk Analyst earns $61k-155k per year in salary based on experience (USD). The average salary is $72K - $114K per year which breaks down to $34.62 - $54.81 hourly wage.
What Is the Role of a Risk Analyst vs. an IT Risk Analyst?
Risk Analysts evaluate financials, economic climate, and clients to help develop strategies to meet business goals and streamline operations. IT Risk Analysts consider the same, but specifically calculate how current and new technologies make these goals possible for the company.
What Is Technological Risk Management?
Information Technology Risk Management encompasses analyzing all computer & data systems, processes, strategies, and actions users can take which pose potential security threats. It is a proactive and preventative measure of cybersecurity.
Is IT Risk Analyst a Good Job?
Yes, an IT Risk Analyst career is great for those who are analytical and have an interest in technology. Risk analysts help prevent and limit losses for the business / organization they work for, which is rewarding.
How Is Technology Used in Threat Management?
Technology is a catalyst for risk assessment by providing real-time audits, live penetration tests, and discovering loopholes and vulnerabilities in business operations, data systems, computer systems, and networks.
How Many Searches for IT Risk Analyst Happen Each Month?
IT Risk Analyst has approximately 70 search volume (SV) per month on Google according to an independent study conducted by redShift Recruiting.
There are approximately 20 candidates per month searching for this position that we can confirm.
There are approximately 10 employers per month searching for this role’s job description that we can confirm.
This does not include other major job board data, and only considers natural occurring Google search volume estimates.
How Many IT Risk Analyst Jobs & Job Seekers Are There?
According to Indeed Hiring Insights (May 2021): there are 1,373 open jobs posted by 622 employers hiring for 52,560 candidates looking inside the USA.
This means there are 38 job seekers per job on average for this tech position.
Recruiting IT Risk Analysts
NY, MA, PA, VT, CT, NH or Remote Nationwide