How Can a Temporary IT Job Help Your Career?

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It's a common misconception that temporary positions are just short-term, entry-level gigs for office clerks or warehouse technicians. In fact, temporary jobs are available in a variety of fields, including information technology, and require a broad range of skill sets and experience levels. While you may not have considered it before, there are many benefits to accepting temporary work in IT. Maybe you're a recent graduate and need to gain some professional experience to meet the hiring requirements for full-time employment. Perhaps you're self-taught and don't have the degree or work history to get your dream job. You may be struggling to make a career move into a new area of IT. Or perhaps you simply need to get a job quickly to earn some extra income. In this article, we'll explore how a temporary IT job can become a stepping stone to reaching your career goals.

What Is a Contract Job or Temp Job?

A temporary or contract job is an assignment that is expected to end once a perceived need has been met. In the IT field, temporary jobs can be anything from an entry-level technical support specialist to a network administrator or software developer. Typically, you will work for a company on either a project-specific basis (defined by a certain timeline and goal) or as needed (filling in to address temporary staffing gaps). The length of these temporary work assignments can range from a few days to several months or even longer, depending on the contract.

What Types of Temporary IT Jobs Are Available?

You may be wondering just what temp positions there are for someone with your skill set. Many people assume that the only temporary jobs in IT are entry-level positions setting up computers or working on help desks, but this is far from true. In fact, businesses in many different industries have temporary and contract needs for IT professionals with varying specializations and experience levels, including web developers, application developers, business systems analysts, network security engineers, Azure cloud engineers, IT project managers, technology managers, systems engineers, IT disaster recovery specialists, agility interface analysts, and much more.

Why Do Companies Need Contract Employees in IT?

IT projects and operations often require specialized skills and experience that not all companies have in-house. In these cases, it makes sense for them to contract out specific tasks or bring in experienced professionals on a temporary basis. This allows the company to obtain the technical expertise required to meet a temporary need without taking on the overhead expense of a full-time employee. In other cases, they may need someone to fill in while they search for a permanent employee for a more specialized role.

Companies hire contract employees for a variety of projects, from one-off tasks like setting up new systems and software to longer-term projects like developing new applications, updating technology, or providing maintenance and support for existing networks. They may also hire temporary IT professionals on a project-to-project basis to assist with specific initiatives such as implementing security protocols or migrating data to a cloud platform. For example, if a company needs to develop a custom software solution that requires a programming language that no one on their team is familiar with, they might hire a contract IT professional who is an expert in that language and has the required skill set to complete the project. Other companies might have a temporary need for experts in data administration or cyber security to secure and update their systems. Whatever the job entails, tech professionals can provide the knowledge and expertise required to complete the task at hand without the long-term cost and commitment of a permanent employee.

benefits of temporary work for IT, temporary worker full-time positions with staffing agency

How Can a Temporary IT Job Benefit Your Career?

Whether you're just starting out in IT or looking to make a career change, taking temporary opportunities can provide numerous benefits, even if temporary employment isn't your ideal situation. These include:

Gain Professional Experience: If you're a recent grad, don't have a formal degree, are returning to the workforce, or are changing your desired career path, temp jobs in IT can give you valuable experience. Even short-term projects are opportunities to showcase your skills and abilities to potential employers. By working on challenging projects, solving complex problems, and meeting tight deadlines, you'll hone your skills quickly and build a resume that will help you qualify for more full-time positions.

Try New Types of Work: IT professionals have a wide range of career paths to choose from in industries as diverse as tech, finance, healthcare, government, and retail, to name a few. A temp job can allow you to explore different types of work in the IT field and gain valuable insight into various roles and work environments with multiple employers, so you can determine what kind of job opportunities would best suit your interests and talents.

Develop Marketable Skills and Learn New Technologies: Temporary jobs in IT can give you a chance to work with and learn about new technologies, hone existing skills, and develop transferable skills like customer service or project management. Some positions may involve working with cutting-edge technology or particular software applications and hardware. This is especially valuable if you need to gain specific experience to break into your desired field, and it can give you a competitive edge in interviews by increasing your value as a potential hire.

Get Your Foot in the Door: If you're having a hard time breaking into the IT job market, taking on a temporary position can give you an opportunity to prove yourself and demonstrate your abilities to your employer. You'll be able to gain some relevant experience in different environments, which will look great on your resume and help make the case for why you should be considered for more permanent positions when the time is right. And while it's never guaranteed, in some cases, a temporary position could open the door to permanent employment with the same company.

Network and Make Connections: Networking is an important part of any job search. You never know who you may meet and what connections they may have, so don't underestimate the power of networking in any position. Throughout your contract or temporary period, make the most of opportunities to connect with other IT professionals, your fellow contract workers, and coworkers in other departments. They may be able to offer valuable advice, provide referrals, or connect you with another job opportunity. Even if nothing comes of these new connections immediately, don't neglect your professional network. You never know when or how these contacts may be able to help you in the future.

Flexibility: One of the top benefits of temp jobs is flexibility. Because you don't have to commit to a full-time position, you can easily move on if it turns out to be something you don't enjoy or excel at. These positions can also be great opportunities for those who are working on obtaining certifications, pursuing side projects, or starting freelance business ventures. Accepting a short-term or part-time contract IT role will give you the flexibility to work on other projects while bringing in some extra cash.

Avoid Gaps on Your Resume: Taking on a temporary IT assignment can help you avoid gaps on your resume, which employers often see as a red flag. Multiple or lengthy employment gaps can cause employers to question your work ethic or ability, which may lead to missed opportunities. If you're currently unemployed, temporary employment opportunities will keep your skills sharp, add employment experience, and provide networking opportunities.

Maintain a Steady Paycheck: Taking temporary work during a job search not only fills gaps on your resume but also gives you time to make sure your next permanent position is the right one. By keeping a stable income, you won't have to worry about rushing into a decision or settling for the first job offer that comes along.

temp employee making connections with other employees on temp jobs

How Do You Find the Right Temporary IT Job?

Finding the right temporary work requires planning ahead and using the right resources. Start by determining what you want from the job. Do you need to gain experience or learn new skills? Are you exploring your options? Are you only interested in temp jobs that offer flexible hours or remote work? Are you trying to break into a new industry? Or do you just need some extra cash? Clearly identify your needs and goals so you can determine whether a specific temporary role is a good fit.

Next, check relevant job boards, talk to your network of contacts, and connect with a staffing agency that specializes in filling IT positions. Unlike general temp agencies, IT staffing agencies provide temporary placement services specifically for IT professionals. IT recruiters often have exclusive access to roles that are not advertised, and they can provide expert advice and insight for job seekers. IT staffing companies can help you find direct-hire roles or temp-to-hire positions now and in the future.

Finally, make sure you've done your research on the company and the position before making a decision. Consider your short- and long-term career plans, and ask yourself if this job will help you achieve those goals.

How Do You Get the Most Out of Your Temporary Job?

If you want your temporary job to be more than just a paycheck, you'll need to put in the effort to make the most of the opportunity. First, take initiative and volunteer for tasks; don't just wait around for someone to assign you something. Show your employer that you care about your work and be proactive in finding ways to add value. For example, if you're working in an IT help desk role, go beyond simple troubleshooting and offer ideas to streamline processes or solve bigger problems. This can also be a way to learn new skills or work with technologies that you don't normally have access to.

Be proactive in networking with other IT professionals who may be able to offer you advice, provide a professional recommendation, or even be the connection between you and your dream job. Build relationships and maintain them after the temp work ends. You never know how your professional network can help your career down the road.

Keep an open mind and be willing to learn. Don't be afraid to take on a job outside of your comfort zone or try something new. Even if the temp work isn't exactly what you want, you can use it as an opportunity to gain experience and learn skills that will help further your career. At the very least, the experience will give you a better idea of what you do and don't enjoy, so you can make better career decisions down the road.

Even if you only took the position for a paycheck, be professional throughout the assignment. You won't gain any benefits from networking if you are unreliable or disrespectful to your employer or coworkers. If you have to quit before the end of the contract, be sure to give adequate notice and continue to put in your best effort until the very end. Put your best foot forward and avoid burning bridges. You never know when your paths might cross again, and your supervisors and coworkers will remember if you leave them in the lurch.

The benefits of temporary work can be numerous, but you'll have to be willing to put in the effort to make the most of the opportunity.

Can a Contract IT Position Benefit Your Career?

Temporary IT work is more than just unboxing computers and answering help desk questions. Whatever your area of specialization, temporary or contract opportunities can give you invaluable experience, help you expand your network, and offer financial stability while you search for the perfect full-time job. With careful research, hard work, and a little initiative, a temp IT position could be a stepping stone to reaching your career goals!

temp agencies help IT job seeker find temporary jobs, get new job career path

Article Author:

Ashley Meyer

Divisional Business Coordinator

Albany, NY


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